Friday, May 13, 2011

Things are about to "heat up" in Lane and on!

With the temperatures hovering around 70 and 80 degrees during the last few days, probably the last thing most people are worried about is heating, but this summer Lane and Thompson will receive a new HVAC system that will make the buildings more comfortable during the fall and winter months.  The original heating conveyance system will be entirely replaced from the basement to the fourth floor.  In addition to the heating system, the first floor lounges in each building will be receiving brand new furniture to enhance study and just hanging out.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Another White Board Appears in George Read South!

As more students request large white boards to facilitate group study in lounges across the campus, we are responding by adding more locations.  The latest boards were added in North Central buildings and by request, in the George Read South 1st floor lounge.  The boards can be made any size and the wood boarders are painted to match the surrounding wall color.  The photo shows the board installed in George Read South.