Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Follow-Up on "Get Out Green" Program

At closing this past spring I wrote briefly about a program developed by Residence Life to encourage students to leave their dorm room for the summer in a way that lessens the impact on the environment. The program was called, "Get Out Green." Facilities played a part in it by encouraging residents in Independence Hall to not throw their room carpets in the dumpster but to put them in two areas near the exits of the buildings that would be later collected and be recycled by our carpet installation contractor. This carpet pile from Independence West was trucked to Wilmington, for a total of 184 pieces of carpet in various sizes that did not get thrown away in a landfill. Although the program has started out small in just one complex, we hope to expand the program to all the complexes at some point in the future. It probably saved us at least one full dumpsters' worth of carpet that was sent to a factory to give the discarded pieces of carpet a new life.

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