Thursday, April 16, 2009

UGA floors to finally "disappear"

This summer a hallway carpet replacement project will transform the three former University Guest Apartment floors on 16-14 back to the appearence of the rest of the floors of the West Tower. The University Guest Apartment floors were created in the mid-1990's as a way to offer a comfortable and convinent apartment style hotel experience to guests traveling to the University. Housing transformed the traditional Christiana Apartments to Guest Apartments by replacing the standard UD dorm furniture with "hotel" furniture. The planning for and subsequent building of the Marriott Courtyard Hotel at Laird Campus meant that the University Guest Apartments were no longer needed and the apartments were transitioned back to regular student use. However, the hallways were never transformed back to the typical appearence of a West Tower floor. The carpet lasted for more than the standard life cycle of 7-10 years so in fact beat the average wear expected in a residence hall prior to replacement. The photos show the red color scheme of the previous UGA floors in the bottom photo, compared to the blue color scheme of the current 13th floor of West Tower in the top photo.

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