Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Once a Hall Director Apartment...not always a Hall Director Apartment!

As part of the major renovation to the Russell Complex that occurred over a two year period, a new use was found for the Hall Director Apartment that was formerly located in the lobby of Russell D. In order to create alternative lounge space that was "taken over" by a newly designed mechanical room that was located in part of the previous Russell C Commons Lounge, the old Hall Director Apartment was completely gutted and a new entrance was created at the end of a hallway that joined it to Russell C. As a result, the lounge space actually resides in the previous footprint of Russell D, but is only accessible by residents living in Russell C. As the photo shows, the new space allows residents of Russell C to still have a nice comfortable room to watch TV, play the piano, of just hang out with ample seating. Part of the old Russell C Commons Lounge that was not needed for the mechanical space, is also available and has been set up as a quiet study space with individual study carrels.

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