Friday, January 7, 2011

A "Redo"...on the White Board in Thomas McKean

About a year and a half ago we experimented with some paint to create a large white board surface in the 1st floor lounge of Thomas McKean in response to student requests. The concept was a great success judging by all the formulas and other writings that indicated that residents were using the board area for some intense studying. However, the paint surface ending up being difficult to maintain and the colors from the dry erase pens bled into the paint so bad that it was becoming impossible to use the surface. A new solution was found to "redo" the surface by using a peel and stick product that we tried successfully in a lounge in Harrington. The new surface is still a white board, but it completely covers the previously paint and makes it usuable again for studying. We plan to use this as the standard as we expand to other buildings. The next dry erase surface is being developed on the 4th floor lounge of Independence West in response to another request.

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