This summer, Gilbert Complex will be demolished to eventually make way for new dorms down the road. The six buildings were completed in the early sixties and have hosted thousands of UD students in more than 40 years of service. Gilbert's distinctive design features included a hallway that split off into two smaller hallways to accomodate the largest number of singles available for residents of East Campus. The Complex took it's name from a Past President of Newark College in the nineteenth century, later to become UD. This fall only three of the six buildings were occupied. In this picture from January, American Van Lines personnel remove desks and beds from Gilbert E for the last time.
1 comment:
Please tell more about Gilbert's unique features, compared to the nearby architecturally similar Harrington and Russell dorm complexes. I know Gilbert was built with a sixth, central dorm (Gilbert F), rather than with a dining hall like Harrington and Russell. Notably, the front facade of the Gilbert complex still looks basically as when it was built. Harrington and Russell once had similar front facades--but both were changed by construction of front dining hall extensions in the 1980s. And where are Gilbert F's dorm room windows? They aren't apparent when one walks around the complex. Your news item mentions a hallway that splits off to access the single rooms. Is that hallway in the area of Gilbert F and does it branch to the right and left sides of the complex? And was Gilbert troubled by limited street access? In contrast, Russell backs a big parking lot and Harrington backs a street.
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