Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Main lounge made new again in Brown Hall

In 1997, Brown Hall was one of the first dorms re-modeled in the large scale "Mall Project," that hit 10 residence halls on North and South Central Campus a little over 10 years ago. In the Mall Project, the buildings were gutted down to the exterior walls and new electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems were installed to replace the 40-50 year old original utilities. As a result there were public areas that had furniture re-upholstered rather than replaced with new to save some money in the overall budget. Now we are going through and replacing much of the older furniture with brand new pices, as in this lounge in Brown Hall. Other buildings that have received new pieces in the last two years include the main lounge in Sussex and the study and TV lounges in Sypherd.

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